Anatomical variants of the origin of the infra-diaphragmatic descendent aorta artery visceral branches


  • Pedro Rafael Casado Méndez Hospital Provincial Clínico-Quirúrgico Docente Celia Sánchez Manduley. Granma.
  • Gisela Trevín Fernández Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Granma Celia Sánchez Manduley. Granma.
  • Vilma de la Caridad Méndez López Hospital Provincial Clínico-Quirúrgico Docente Celia Sánchez Manduley. Granma.
  • Héctor Aurelio Méndez López Hospital Rural “Mariano Pérez Balí”. Bartolomé Masó. Granma.
  • Carmen Elena Ferrer Magadán Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Granma Celia Sánchez Manduley. Granma.
  • Rafael Salvador Santos Fonseca Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Granma Celia Sánchez Manduley. Granma.


aorta artery, anatomical variants, anatomical norm, anatomy, renal arteries.


Background: aorta artery is the biggest of the human body elastic vases. The variants of the arterial branches anatomic norm are formations that should be recognized, because of their implications during surgeries.

Aim: to determine the origin variants to the anatomic norm of the infra-diaphragmatic aorta artery visceral branches.

Materials and Methods: an observational, descriptive, prospective study was carried out in 44 patients, elder than 16 years old, who died due to natural causes in the Provincial Hospital Celia Sanchez, Manzanillo. The origin of the different infra-diaphragmatic aorta artery visceral branches was observed in the course of the necropsy.

Outcomes: variants to anatomic norm were stated in 45.45 % of the blocks, predominating in the female gender (59.09 %). Renal arteries were the ones presenting more variants to anatomic norm, with 57.69 % of the total. 19.23 % of the total of variants was found in the medial suprarenal and gonadal arteries. The celiac trunk was the only odd visceral branch where variants to anatomic branches were found (11.54 %). 11.54 % of the variants correspond to aorta artery anomalous bifurcations. 

Conclusions: the origin variants to anatomic norm of the infra-diaphragmatic aorta artery visceral branches have a high frequency. The biggest variants are located in the renal arteries. Variants were not found in the mesenteric arteries. These variants knowledge is important in surgical procedures.



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How to Cite

Casado Méndez PR, Trevín Fernández G, Méndez López V de la C, Méndez López HA, Ferrer Magadán CE, Santos Fonseca RS. Anatomical variants of the origin of the infra-diaphragmatic descendent aorta artery visceral branches. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2016 Mar. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];38(2):145-5. Available from:



Research article