Analysis of health situation in the Day Care Center “Mis primeros años.” Unión de Reyes, 2013-2014


  • Jackeline Alpízar Navarro Centro Provincial de Higiene, Epidemiología y Microbiología. Matanzas
  • Odalis Rodríguez Navarro Policlínico Docente "José Machado Rodríguez". Unión de Reyes. Matanzas


health situation analysis, health status, day care centers.


Background: the analysis of the situation of health is a basic element for the strategic planning at local level, as long as he/she allows to understand the causes and the consequences of the problems of health. Aim: determining the state of the workers' health and the children of the Infantile Circle "My first years", and to approach the main opposing problems with the intersector participation, he/she was carried out this analysis.
Materials and methods: an observational, descriptive study was executed, in an infantile circle of the municipality Union of Reyes, in the school course 2013-2014. The universe was constituted by the entirety of the workers (34) and children (62). he/she had the informed consent of those involved. One worked with the sex, the age, the factors of risk and the dispensarización. Structured interviews, the Method of Trillaje, Ranqueo and the main DOFA were used; in the statistical analysis, absolute and relative frequencies. Presenting the results in charts and graphics.
Results: the workers and the children were dispensarizados (100%), the group prevailed II (64,8% in the workers and 82,2% in the children). the arterial hypertension Prevailed among the workers (35,2%), the breathing infections (66%) and gastrointestinal in the children (23%). The main identified problems were related with the bad structural conditions of the center.
Conclusions: with the execution and execution of an intervention program that it implies the participation of all the sectors it is possible to improve the state of the workers' health and the children of the center.


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Author Biographies

Jackeline Alpízar Navarro, Centro Provincial de Higiene, Epidemiología y Microbiología. Matanzas

Médico Especialista de Primer Grado en  Medicina General Integral.

Máster en Enfermedades Infecciosas.

Profesora Instructora.

Odalis Rodríguez Navarro, Policlínico Docente "José Machado Rodríguez". Unión de Reyes. Matanzas

Licenciada en Enfermería.

Diplomada en Atención Integral al Niño.



How to Cite

Alpízar Navarro J, Rodríguez Navarro O. Analysis of health situation in the Day Care Center “Mis primeros años.” Unión de Reyes, 2013-2014. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2015 Nov. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];37(6):589-601. Available from:



Research article