Enrique Sáez Bringuier. Chief of Health of the First Division of the Fifth Corpus of the Liberator Army


  • Yovanny Ferrer Lozano Hospital Territorial Docente Julio Aristegui Villamil. Matanzas.
  • Yanett Morejón Trofimova Hospital Territorial Docente Julio Aristegui Villamil. Matanzas.


Liberador Army, health, hospitals.


The independency feelings, stopped by the Pact of Zajón, were strongly reborn again in 1895. A crop of zealous citizens of Cardenas, ready to  give their lives for achieving homeland freedom, participated in this feat. Several physicians joined the fight; among them was Enriquez Sáez Bringuier, who was graduated with the title of Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery on July 18, 1892, in the Royal University of Havana. He integrated the Brigade of Cardenas, of the Fifth Corpus of 
the Liberator Army, in the 1895 War. He was ascent to the rank of Colonel and nominated Chief of Health of the First Division of the Fifth Corpus of the Liberator Army, being in charge of the organization of hospitals and prefectures. The aim of this work was approaching the life of Enrique Saez Bringuier.


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Author Biography

Yovanny Ferrer Lozano, Hospital Territorial Docente Julio Aristegui Villamil. Matanzas.

Especialista Segundo grado Ortopedia y Traumatología. Master Urgencias Médicas. Master educación. Profesor Asistente. Investigador Agregado.



How to Cite

Ferrer Lozano Y, Morejón Trofimova Y. Enrique Sáez Bringuier. Chief of Health of the First Division of the Fifth Corpus of the Liberator Army. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2016 Nov. 16 [cited 2025 Jan. 9];38(6):922-8. Available from: https://revmedicaelectronica.sld.cu/index.php/rme/article/view/1562




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