Dr. Domínguez Roldan seen by the student Mario Dihigo


  • Victor Guillermo Ferreira Moreno Hospital Provincial Pediátrico Docente Eliseo Noel Caamaño. Matanzas.


radiology, Medicine History, Francisco Domínguez Roldán, Mario Dihigo Llanos, Cuba.


Three months before the great discovery of the rays that marked the birth of Radiology, and in full force of the national independent quiver, Dr Mario Emilio Dihigo Llanos was born in Cidra, Matanzas, in 1895. Multifaceted professional: physician, radiologist, writer, journalist, pedagogue and founder of the journal Mdica, he was recognized as outstanding educator of the 20 century in Cuba and among the 100 Cuban scientific personalities of all the times. Between 1912 and 1917 he studied in the Medicine School of the University of Havana, therefore he met and was the pupil of several of the most distinguished figures of the Cuban science.  In occasion of the 120 anniversary of his birth and of the emergence of Radiology, and through articles gathered in his autobiography, the author approached another, more human view of Dr. Francisco Dominguez Roldan’s personality: physician, patriot and Colonel of the Liberator Army, defender of the Carlos J. Finlay’s doctrine and introducer of Radiology in Cuba. We analyzed several biographic notes of both of the figures. The work pretended to recognize all the persons who had devoted, or have decided to devote their life to the science of Radiology and Imaging. 


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Author Biography

Victor Guillermo Ferreira Moreno, Hospital Provincial Pediátrico Docente Eliseo Noel Caamaño. Matanzas.

Especialista de I y II Grado en Imagenología

Profesor Auxiliar

Máster en Educación Superior y Urgencias



How to Cite

Ferreira Moreno VG. Dr. Domínguez Roldan seen by the student Mario Dihigo. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2016 Sep. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];38(5):783-91. Available from: https://revmedicaelectronica.sld.cu/index.php/rme/article/view/1601

