Morbidity by skin malignant tumors histopathologycally diagnosed.Colon,Matanzas.2010-2015


  • Meilyn Fernández Martori ¨Policlínico Universitario Carlos J Finlay¨.Colón.


basal cell carcinoma, squamous carcinoma, neoplasm skin, morbility, histopathological variants



Introduction: Cuba is given in alert the growing incidence of the skin cancer. The histopathology is the rule of gold for the confirmation of all cutaneous neoplasia. To identify the morbility for wicked tumors in this localization according to studies of biopsies was the objective that motivated to make this investigation.  Methods: Its was carried out a descriptive and retrospective observational study of all the diagnoses of skin cancer registered in the Book of Biopsies from January from 2010 to December of 2015 in the department of pathological anatomy of the Hospital Dr. "Mario Muñoz Monroy" of Colon. The variables were studied: year of the diagnosis, age and sex of the patients, the type histological of the tumor, the presence of free margins, the subtype histological of the basal cell carcinoma, the differentiation grade and the presence of infiltration of the squamous carcinoma.  Results: The 1096 biopsy reports were analyzed with diagnostic of cutaneous carcinomas. It was a prevalence of the masculine sex, of the ages above the 61 years, of the basal cell carcinoma like more frequent tumor and of the well dried up lesions given by the surgical free margins. The solid subtype constituted more than half of all the basal cell examined. Of the squamous carcinoma the presence was analyzed in the result of the aspect differentiation mentioned in the third part of the samples. Conclusions: The skin cancer continues in ascent and the report of pathological anatomy contributes essential data for the therapeutic decision, the prognosis and the report of the same one what the importance of its complete description is reaffirmed.



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Author Biography

Meilyn Fernández Martori, ¨Policlínico Universitario Carlos J Finlay¨.Colón.

Departamento Consulta Externa. Especialista de 1er grado en Dermatología. Máster en Enfermedades Infecciosas.Diplomado en Dermatoscopía. Profesor Asistente.Investigador agregado



How to Cite

Fernández Martori M. Morbidity by skin malignant tumors histopathologycally diagnosed.Colon,Matanzas.2010-2015. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2018 Jul. 13 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];40(4):946-57. Available from:



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