Educative intervention on knowledge of arterial hypertension. Policlinic “Heroes del Moncada”. Municipality of Cardenas, 2015


  • Fernando Achiong Estopiñan Centro Provincial de Higiene y Epidemiología
  • Yolanda González Hernández Policlínico Héroes del Moncada. Vice dirección HE, Cárdenas. Matanzas, Cuba
  • Odalys Vega Rico Policlínico Héroes del Moncada. Vice dirección HE, Cárdenas. Matanzas, Cuba
  • Omar Guillot Alzubiaga CMHEM. Dpto ENT, Cárdenas, Matanzas. Cuba
  • Armando Rodríguez Salvá INHEM, Dpto de Salud Pública, La Habana, Cuba
  • Addys Díaz Piñera INHEM, Dpto de Salud Pública, La Habana, Cuba
  • Esteban Londoño Agudelo Instituto Medicina Tropical Amberes, Bélgica


educational intervention, knowledge, arterial hypertension


Introduction:education of patients with hypertension is a primordial element to elevate the knowledge on HBP, its control and the quality of life. 

Objective:to rise the knowledge of the HBP patient and its control

Materials and Methods: educational intervention to the patients through the Schools of HBP, with an Educational and physical exercises Program.  

Two samples before and after the intervention were selected (350 patients). A questionnaire of 14 questions on topics of HBP applied. Three analysis were carried out: Proportion of patients with 8 and more correct answers, proportion of each question with more than 75% of correct answers, and proportion of approved patients (70 out of 100). Statistical Test, Chi2, p value. 

Results: post-intervention, knowledge increased according to test with statistically significant differences. p<0,05.  

Conclusions:the intervention was effective. Rise the knowledge of HBP and controlled patients.


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Author Biographies

Yolanda González Hernández, Policlínico Héroes del Moncada. Vice dirección HE, Cárdenas. Matanzas, Cuba


Odalys Vega Rico, Policlínico Héroes del Moncada. Vice dirección HE, Cárdenas. Matanzas, Cuba


Armando Rodríguez Salvá, INHEM, Dpto de Salud Pública, La Habana, Cuba


Addys Díaz Piñera, INHEM, Dpto de Salud Pública, La Habana, Cuba




How to Cite

Achiong Estopiñan F, González Hernández Y, Vega Rico O, Guillot Alzubiaga O, Rodríguez Salvá A, Díaz Piñera A, et al. Educative intervention on knowledge of arterial hypertension. Policlinic “Heroes del Moncada”. Municipality of Cardenas, 2015. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2018 Jul. 13 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];40(4):968-77. Available from:



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