The role of the pedagogy of the change in postgraduate education


  • Lissette Miña Oliveros Hospital Universitario Comandante Faustino Pérez.Matanzas
  • Dunia O”Relly Noda Hospital Universitario Comandante Faustino Pérez.Matanzas
  • Celso García Hernández Hospital Universitario Comandante Faustino Pérez.Matanzas
  • Zurieta Pérez Delgado Hospital Universitario Comandante Faustino Pérez.Matanzas
  • Luis Enrique Moreno Peña Hospital Universitario Comandante Faustino Pérez.Matanzas


postgraduate education, Ophthalmology, pedagogy of the change, leadership



In recent years, high medical education has been involved in promising deep changes to achieve better results in the integral training of professorial staffs. In the contemporary pedagogy, the pedagogy of the change is a challenge, and a necessary link to overcome factors of psychopedagogical vulnerability. With the aim of describing these elements in Medical Sciences and particularly in Ophthalmology, the authors performed a descriptive study using theoretical methods of analysis and synthesis of the bibliographic review on the theme to expose  their aims in teaching the before mentioned sciences  from new pedagogical approaches. A bibliographic search was carried out in SciELO-Cuba, SciELO-regional, PubMed, CUMED and Clinical Key, looking for everything related to the theme in the period 2012-2016. The following key words were used: postgraduate education, pedagogy of the change, leadership. There they are exposed the positive aspects that allow arguing the advantages workshop's teaching stage as well as teacher´s leadership provide.


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Author Biography

Lissette Miña Oliveros, Hospital Universitario Comandante Faustino Pérez.Matanzas

Especialista 1er Grado Oftalmología.

Diplomado en Neuroftalmología.

Profasora Asistente



How to Cite

Miña Oliveros L, O”Relly Noda D, García Hernández C, Pérez Delgado Z, Moreno Peña LE. The role of the pedagogy of the change in postgraduate education. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2018 Mar. 26 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];40(2):445-53. Available from:



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