The treatment of the severe corneal ulcer with fortified eye drops


  • Zurieta Pérez Delgado Hospital Universitario Comandante Faustino Pérez.Matanzas.
  • Dunia O’Relly Noda Hospital Universitario Comandante Faustino Pérez.Matanzas.
  • Lissette Miña Oliveros Hospital Universitario Comandante Faustino Pérez.Matanzas.
  • Celso Dario García Hernández Hospital Universitario Comandante Faustino Pérez.Matanzas.


corneal ulcer, descematocele, endophthalmitis



Introduction: the corneal ulcer is a suppurated inflammation that may have several etiologies and clinical manifestations. It is a potentially serious entity endangering the patient´s vision and could cause blindness.

Objective: to describe the theoretical fundaments supporting the use of fortified eye drops in the treatment of severe corneal ulcer; to identify the clinic-epidemiological variables of the studied group; to arrive to the clinical  and etiological diagnosis of the corneal ulcer and to assess disease evolution and complications incidence. 

Material and methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional research was carried out in the period from January 2015 to January 2016. The patients diagnosed with severe corneal ulcer who were admitted in the hospital were taken into consideration. The sample was formed by 23 patients diagnosed with severe corneal ulcer.

Results: among the 23 patients diagnosed with severe corneal ulcer predominated male sex and people aged more than 60 years. The bacterial etiology and deep central ulcer predominated. As for the ocular risk factors, the results show ocular trauma as main factor (56.5 %) and the use of systemic and topical antibiotic for a long time. All the patients were topically treated with fortified eye drops. Descematocele was found among the complications in 30.4 % of the cases.

Conclusions: the theoretical fundament of the fortified eye drops and the results obtained in this research show the efficacy of their use in the severe corneal ulcer



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How to Cite

Pérez Delgado Z, O’Relly Noda D, Miña Oliveros L, García Hernández CD. The treatment of the severe corneal ulcer with fortified eye drops. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2018 Mar. 19 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];40(2):270-81. Available from:



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