Characterization of the sexual and reproductive behavior in female teenagers aged 12-15 years


  • Alian Ernesto Gárces García Policlínica Docente Dra. Francisca Rivero Arocha. Granma.
  • Pedro Rafael Casado Méndez Hospital General Universitario Capitán Mariano Pérez Bali. Granma.
  • Rafael Salvador Santos Fonseca Policlínica Universitaria “Luis Enrique de la Paz Reyna”. Granma.
  • Tania Gonzáles Lastres Dirección Municipal de Salud de Manzanillo. Granma.
  • Yiset García Díaz Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Granma Celia Sánchez Manduley. Granma.


sexual health, teenagers, sexarche, contraceptive methods.


Introduction: sexuality is an integral dimension of the persons that is present from the moment of conception until death.
Objective: to characterize sexual and reproductive behavior in female teenagers.
Materials and methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in 53 female students, aged 12 to 15 years, who study at “Paquito Rosales” Junior High School, Manzanillo, Granma, in 1917.
Results: the average age was 1,15[1]years. 67.93 % of the female teenagers had sexual relationships for a first time at an average age of 13.53 %. Physical attraction was the main motive for the beginning of sexual relationships. 36.11 % of teenagers did not use any contraceptive method being birth-control pills the most used one. 22.22 % of the teenagers had had, at least, one pregnancy.
Conclusion: female teenagers of “Paquito Rosales” Junior High School have an appropriate sexual behavior.



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Author Biography

Pedro Rafael Casado Méndez, Hospital General Universitario Capitán Mariano Pérez Bali. Granma.





How to Cite

Gárces García AE, Casado Méndez PR, Santos Fonseca RS, Gonzáles Lastres T, García Díaz Y. Characterization of the sexual and reproductive behavior in female teenagers aged 12-15 years. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2019 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 9];41(2):346-5. Available from:



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