Multiple retention. Case report
canine retention, right maxillary temporal premolar and second molar.Abstract
It is common to find teeth retention in Orthodontics clinic; maxillary canines, due to their esthetical importance, are the ones the patients ask to be treated more frequently. Nevertheless, temporary teeth retention is not frequent. Its etiology is not clear, but it is considered multifactorial. The authors present the case of a female patient, aged 12 years and a half, without 15 and 13 teeth, presence of 53 and mesogression of 16. At the radiographic examination, the retention of 55, 15 and 13 was found, and also the incomplete transposition of 13 and 12. After deeply analyzing the case, the orthodontists decided the removal of 55 and aligning 15 and 13 to dental arch, placing a device with the system of direct cementing at the moment of the surgery. It was established a functional occlusion and an acceptable esthetics, particularly caring for the neighboring teeth and their soft tissues. Retentions are complex dental malocclusions, of difficult prognosis and treatment, mainly when they are multiple. They require study and multidisciplinary treatment.
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