Effectiveness of Ambu® Aura40TM laryngeal mask for general anesthetic in pediatric orthopedic surgery


  • Isarel Gonzalez del Pino Hospital Docente Pediátrico Eliseo Noel Caamaño. Matanzas. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4439-7420
  • Yoania Ramos Domínguez Hospital Docente Pediátrico Eliseo Noel Caamaño. Matanzas.
  • Cynthia García Pena Hospital Docente Pediátrico Eliseo Noel Caamaño. Matanzas.
  • Heliodoro González Navarro Hospital Docente Pediátrico Eliseo Noel Caamaño. Matanzas.
  • Mabel Rodríguez Fundora Hospital Docente Pediátrico Eliseo Noel Caamaño. Matanzas.
  • Jeison Andrey Chacón Rodríguez Hospital Docente Ginecobstétrico Julio R. Alfonso Medina. Matanzas.


laryngeal masks, Ambu® Aura 40TM laryngeal mask, supra-glottal devices, pediatric anesthesia.


Introduction: laryngeal mask are supra glottal devices widely used in anesthetics for approaching and maintaining the airway. One of them, the  Ambu® Aura 40TM, has a design allowing to adjust to the surroundings of hypo-pharynx with its lumen directed to the pharyngeal opening. It has demonstrated to be adequate for surgical procedures when there is no need of endotracheal intubation.
Objective: to determine the effectiveness of that laryngeal mask for general anesthetic in pediatric orthopedic surgery.
Materials and methods: a cross-sectional, prospective, descriptive study was carried out in 135 patients who underwent elective surgical intervention in the Pediatric Hospital ?Eliseo Noel Caamaño?, of Matanzas, in the period January 2015- June 2017. The number of attempts and the time needed to insert laryngeal mask, the necessity of changing it for an endotracheal tube, and complications related to its usage were taking into account.
Results: Ambu® Aura 40TM laryngeal mask was effective in most patients, due to it allowed to perform the surgery without need of changing it for an endotracheal tube, and the low appearance of complications related to its use.
Conclusions: Ambu® Aura 40TM laryngeal mask was effective because it was inserted correctly at the first attempt, in a time less than 20 seconds. Only a minority needed to replace it by endotracheal tube, and the appearance of complications related to its use were low.


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How to Cite

Gonzalez del Pino I, Ramos Domínguez Y, García Pena C, González Navarro H, Rodríguez Fundora M, Chacón Rodríguez JA. Effectiveness of Ambu® Aura40TM laryngeal mask for general anesthetic in pediatric orthopedic surgery. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2019 Nov. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];41(6):1325-37. Available from: https://revmedicaelectronica.sld.cu/index.php/rme/article/view/3254



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