Educational intervention for the prevention of complications in patients with dyslipidemia
dyslipidemia, risk factors, health promotion, primary health care.Abstract
Introduction: currently, atherosclerotic disease is among the main causes of death, disability and dementia in elder people. It is caused by multiple factors, but it is indisputable the relation of dyslipidemia with the risk of cardiovascular events.
Objective: to provide the necessary information to patients for them to modify life styles and achieving a positive impact in the reduction of the morbidity and mortality caused by atherosclerotic diseases.
Materials and methods: an intervention project was applied through educative actions in a group of adult patients (n=234) with dyslipidemia, treated in the Health Unit ¨Oziel Montecristo¨, by the team I (white), of the municipality Campinas, São Paulo Department, from January to July 2016. The participants answered an inquiry before and after receiving the information.
Results: the predominant age group was the 20-50 years one, with 55.5 %. Primary scholarship was the most significant (41 %). Other reported factors were obesity, 46.5 %; smoking, 9.4 %; chronic alcoholism, 8.5 %; and sedentary life style, 71.7 %. The chronic diseases found were: arterial hypertension, 53.4 %; diabetes mellitus, 40.5 %; ischemic heart disease, 20.9 %; and chronic renal disease, 9.4 %. Positive results were achieved in the audience; an important number of patients continued in therapeutic groups. Conclusions: the patients assimilated important knowledge on dyslipidemia, to practice healthy life styles decreasing the risk of cardiovascular events.
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