Use of autologous bone grafts and biomaterials in patients with alveolar atrophy.Matanzas.


  • Cosme Damián García Martí Hospital Docente Iluminado Rodríguez. Jagüey Grande.Matanzas
  • Alejandro Pérez Padrón Hospital Universitario Comandante Faustino Pérez.Matanzas
  • José Alberto Pérez Quiñones Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas
  • María Teresa Lima Reyna Hospital Universitario Comandante Faustino Pérez.Matanzas
  • Roberto Bello Fuentes Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas


Key words, autologous bone grafts, biomaterials, alveolar atrophy, reconstructive surgery.


Introduction: autogenous and autologous bone grafts are the elective material for replacing bones lost by trauma, congenital or acquired pathologic processes and atrophy.

Objective: to characterize patients with atrophic rims needing rehabilitation in oral grafting as an alternative treatment in the Maxilla-Facial Surgery consultation of the University Hospital “Faustino Perez” and the Clinic “III Congreso del PCC”, municipality of Matanzas, from September 2014 to July 2016.

Materials and Methods: longitudinal prospective study. The universe was 20 patients aged 18 years and older, males and females, who presented the diagnosis of partial lack of teeth and alveolar atrophy. The symptoms and signs characterizing this entity were stated by questioning, physical examination and diagnostic means.

Results: alveolar traumas were the predominant cause of dental lost in male patients aged 18-37 years. The most affected zone was the anterior region of the upper maxilla; bone lost in height and width predominated, and a great number of grafts conserved the alveolar crest. 

Conclusions: the use of biomaterials in the treatment of patients with alveolar atrophy together with bone graft was satisfactory in patients who needed a base support on which to put dental grafts.   




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How to Cite

García Martí CD, Pérez Padrón A, Pérez Quiñones JA, Lima Reyna MT, Bello Fuentes R. Use of autologous bone grafts and biomaterials in patients with alveolar atrophy.Matanzas. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2019 Nov. 28 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];41(6):1409-1. Available from:



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