Knowledge about oral health of the elderly. Family Physician’s Office 10. “Tomas Romay” Polyclinic 2017 – 2019



elder people, knowledge level, oral-dental health, prosthesis hygiene, oral hygiene.



Introduction: oral health plays an important role to keep life quality in elder people.
Objective: to determine the knowledge level of elder people on oral health.
Materials and methods: a cross-sectional descriptive research was carried out. The authors studied a universe of 209 elder people belonging to Family Physician’s Office 10 of the “Tomas Romay” Polyclinic during the period 2017 – 2019. Data were collected in an inquiry.
Results: 41.6 % got bad qualifications, followed by fair. 41.1. % of patients was in the 60-69 age group, 39.2 % were male and 60.8 % ere female. 46.8 % has a high school scholarship.   51.4 % of those who got fair qualification were retired. Extensive families represented 45.5 % and 67.9 % of them were dysfunctional.
Conclusions: elder people with bad qualifications, women, and the 60-69-age-group prevailed.  Elders with high school scholarship stood out.  Among those who got fair qualification predominated retired people. Extensive, dysfunctional families were the most commonly found. 


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How to Cite

Vázquez González JA, González Ramos RM, Rodriguez Suárez S, Fernández Campo R. Knowledge about oral health of the elderly. Family Physician’s Office 10. “Tomas Romay” Polyclinic 2017 – 2019. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];42(5):1-14. Available from:



Research article