Factor tiempo en la atención inicial del paciente politraumatizado
polytrauma, secondary injury, time factor.Abstract
Introduction: polytrauma, by itself, is one of the biggest problems of the modern society. Trauma lesions in Cuba are in the fifth place among the death global causes for all age groups.
Objective: to determine how time factor had an impact in the actions organization for the emergency care to polytrauma patient.
Materials and methods: an observational study was performed in 183 poly-trauma patients who attended the Intensive Care Unit of the Provincial Hospital “Jose Ramón López Tabrane” of Matanzas during 2014. The considered variables were: age; sex; time of receiving the first actions; time of arrival to the hospital; associated factors influencing in the appearance of secondary injury. The authors used the statistic technique of analysis of frequency distribution.
Results: the highest percent of patients (82.6 %) assisted the consultation 4-6 hours after suffering the trauma. There were found factors like hypotension and hypoxia (66.1 and 50.2 % respectively that had associated lesions and were assessed in the first hour of the trauma. Conclusions: acute trauma is one of the preventable entities taking more lives in the society. Male sex predominated and the more productive ages of life were the ones presenting more morbid-mortality. The fact that the biggest quantity of these patients arrived to the hospital after the golden hour favored a higher number of complications due to the untimely control of the elements forming the secondary injury.
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