The skill for the scientific information management in Odontology students. School year 2018-2019



research skills, scientific information, students, Odontology.


Introduction: in the article, the authors approach aspects related to the results of a cross-sectional descriptive study carried out with students of Odontology of the Matanzas University of Medical Sciences during the school year 2018-2019.
Objective: the main purpose is to diagnose the development of the skill for the scientific information management in first and second year students of Odontology studies.
Materials and methods: an intentional sample of first and second year students answered a questionnaire.
Results: the students showeed greater control of the actions: consulting information sources, summarizing, setting out main ideas and using information resources. The less mastered action was the use of citations and references according to Vancouver standards. More than half of students perceived the received training as sufficient, nevertheless less than half of them have experience in developing scientific researches.  There is thematic diversity in the bibliographic reviews carried out by the students and the main ways of disseminating the information are the term paper and the students’ scientific meeting.
Conclusions: the students showed an appropriate control of the skill, according to the objectives stated in the Curriculum. Learning necessities associated to citations and references according to Vancouver standards and to using the scientific method were evidenced. It is necessary to generate educative actions contributing to enhance the students’ research experiences.


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How to Cite

Rojas Hernández KI, Hernández Hernández JR, Ponce Milián Z, Soler Cárdenas S. The skill for the scientific information management in Odontology students. School year 2018-2019. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 13 [cited 2025 Jan. 9];42(5):1-17. Available from:



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