Operative mortality in major surgery. Retrospective analysis in a Surgery Service
adverse events in major surgery, surgical complications, operatory mortality, safety in surgeryAbstract
Introduction: medical care itself causes, in certain situations, health problems that could be very important for the patient. The mortality analysis is one of the parameters used to study safety performing procedures of major surgery.
Objective: to determine the factors associated to operatory mortality in major surgeries.
Materials and methods: a retrospective, descriptive and observational study was carried out of the patients who passed away after undergoing a major surgery in the Military Hospital “Dr. Mario Munoz Monroy” in t6he period between January 2011 and December 2019.
Results: 77.3 % of the deceased were elder people. The main co-morbidities were arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and ischemic heart disease. The most frequent surgery diagnosis was acute abdomen with 98 patients (58.3 %). Complications yielded 11.9 % of the deceases, adverse events 29.7 % and 58.3 % died due to the natural course of the disease. The organs multiple dysfunction syndrome and septic shock were the main causes of dead (62 %).
Conclusions: operatory mortality was associated to risk factors like advanced age, chronic diseases and emergency surgery. The adverse events increase mortality incidence in major surgery. Infections are the main causes of operatory mortality.
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