The use of the information and communication technologies by the professors of the medical sciences in Matanzas
information and communication technologies, teaching-learning process, university.Abstract
Introduction: the use of the information and communication technologies (ICT by its initialisms) in the health area arrived as an answer to the change necessities the students and the teachers have to adopt in the development of the teaching-learning process. The use of the information and communication technologies transforms the information obtainment, process, socialization and conservation.
Objective: to assess the attitude, knowledge and use of ICT in the Matanzas University of Medical Sciences.
Materials and methods: a quantitative study was carried out in the Matanzas University of Medical Sciences in the January-May 2019 period.
Results: the results showed that, despite being university professors, the knowledge they have regarding the information and communication technologies is low in spite of the possibilities they offer for the teaching-learning process in correspondence with the insufficient use they make of them, although the attitude was positive.
Conclusions: new technologies can provide means for improving teaching-learning processes, but their use in favor or against a more developed society will depend largely on the education, knowledge and critical capacity of their users.
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