Validation of evaluative instruments of knowledge on oral health



instrument validation, Moriyama method, Delphi technique, knowledge, oral health.


Introduction: the design of measuring instruments is a complex process that requires a rigorous preparation to obtain a test answering the demands generating its construction. Validity is a process that requires reliability, but it is currently of great importance since it allows the elaboration of instruments that allow measuring parameters with greater veracity.
Objective: to validate the content of instruments for evaluating oral health knowledge in preschool children, teaching staff and families.
Materials and methods: an evaluative study was carried out during the time period 2017 – 2019. Interviews addressed to children and questionnaires to teaching staff and families, both instruments for measuring knowledge on oral health, were assessed:   Content validation was performed using the Moriyama method and the Delphi technique.
Results: the validation of the instruments showed that 100% of the questions were reasonable and understandable, sensitive to variations, with justifiable basic assumptions, with clearly defined components that are derived from data feasible to obtain. In the Delphi validation, 100% of the questions were evaluated with categories of very adequate and quite adequate.
Conclusions: The evaluated instruments turned out to be reliable through content validity, which increases the rigor of the research process.


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How to Cite

Fleites Did TY, Pérez Gallego Y de la C, Gispert Abreu E de los Ángeles, Blanco Barbeito N, de la Mella Quintero SF. Validation of evaluative instruments of knowledge on oral health. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 10 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];43(1):86-99. Available from:



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