Teaching tasks on environmental education in Nursing from the education at work
teaching tasks, environmental education, nursing, education at workAbstract
Introduction: one of the professional problems to be solved by the graduated in Nursing is facing the risks and hygienic-epidemiological changes related to the environment. Therefore, the necessity of stressing environmental education from the education at work, because it is a key area in this professional training.
Objective: to design a teaching tasks system on environmental education in the degree course of Nursing, from the field of the education at work.
Materials and methods: a cross-sectional, descriptive research was carried out in the degree studies in Nursing in the Medical Sciences Faculty of Sagua la Grande “Lidia Doce Sanchez”, Villa Clara province, during the 2019-2020 school year. The theoretical methods used were the analytic-synthetic, the inductive-deductive and the systemic-structural ones. The used empiric methods were documents' analysis, group discussion, observation and expert's criteria. Descriptive statistics was also used.
Results: It was found that actions on environmental education are carried out only in 50 % of the education at work activities. In the interview, the teachers declared to have difficulties to link the environmental problems in their classes. A system of teaching task aimed at environmental education from the education at work and guidelines were provided so that each teacher can develop his or her own tasks depending on the concrete environmental situations of each area of care.
Conclusions: examples of teaching tasks were developed to encourage the learning of environmental education in students of the degree course in Nursing, through the education at work.
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