Food and nutritional education: descriptive study in the training of Biology teachers
food, nutrition, food and nutritional education.Abstract
Introduction: the teacher of Biology should contribute to health education, and among it to the food and nutritional education of students through the teaching-learning process of the content related to Biology
Objective: to describe knowledge and behavior on food and nutritional education the students of the degree course of Education, specialty Biology, of the University of Matanzas, have.
Materials and methods: a descriptive study of the knowledge and behavior on food and nutritional education in 21 students of the degree course of Education, specialty Biology, of the University of Matanzas in January 2020. The theoretical methods used were the historic-logical, the analytical-synthetic, and the inductive-deductive one. The survey was used as empiric method.
Results: the students showed not enough knowledge on the nutrients provided by different foods, not knowing about biomolecules and their importance for the proper functioning of the body. They evidenced their preference for the consumption of the so called junk food, obviating the need of green vegetables, fruits and boiled vegetables.
Conclusions: the surveyed students presented limited knowledge on food and nutrition as processes inherent to human life, which determine food and nutritional education as a basic factor to avoid diseases affecting their health. It is a constraint for carrying out an adequate educative work as Biology teachers, future leaders of health promotion at school and in the community.
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