Outcomes assessment in the treatment of patients with tibial pylon fractures



tibial pylon fracture, consolidation, osteosynthesis.


Introduction: tibial pylon fractures are a challenge for the surgeon surgery and currently there is a controversy regarding their treatment.
Objective: to assess the outcomes of the applied treatment.
Materials and methods: an observational, descriptive, longitudinal study was carried out with the study universe of all the patients who were attended and treated with tibial pylon fracture from January 1st, 2015 to December 31st, 2016. A sample composed by 27 patients was chosen.
Results: male sex (78 %) and both-sexes 40-49 age group (37 %) predominated.  There was a predominance of fractures caused by traffic accidents with 59 %, being closed fractures the most represented ones, with 78 %.  67 % of the patients did not present associated injuries, being type II fractures predominant in 55% of the total. 74% of the cases underwent surgery, achieving consolidation in 78% of the cases before 16 weeks. Before 20 weeks, 78% of the cases were indicated to set on their foot, and 13 patients had complications, representing 48% of the total. In spite of this, 63 % of the patients were evaluated as excellent and well as final outcome.
Conclusions: the tibial pylon fracture is an injury of very difficult handling for the today's orthopedic surgeon.


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How to Cite

Amigo Castañeda P, Rodríguez Díaz M, Reguera Rodríguez R, Fernández Valle O, Amigo Rodríguez PA. Outcomes assessment in the treatment of patients with tibial pylon fractures. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 10 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];43(2):389-405. Available from: https://revmedicaelectronica.sld.cu/index.php/rme/article/view/4186



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