Surgical treatment of the subacromial syndrome using Neer's technique. Case study



acromion, subacromial syndrome, osteophyte


Introduction: subacromial syndrome is a condition characterized by intra-articular tendinous impingement by osteophytes or narrowing of space.

Objective: to evaluate Neer’s technique in the treatment of patients with subacromial syndrome and the factors and activities favoring this condition.

Materials end methods: an observational, descriptive, prospective study was performed in patients with subacromial syndrome treated with acromioplasty using Neer's technique. The universe was formed by 66 patients aged over 20 years, who presented subacromial syndrome with symptoms for more than 6 months, and were treated with Neer's technique.

Results: the most affected sex was the female one, with 65.2 %. The age group aged 41 to 50 years predominated. In pre-surgical stage, pain ranged from moderate to severe in 77.2 %, and from null to mild after surgery. Preoperative function was moderate to severe in 68.1 % and null or mild after surgical treatment. The previous active flexion was below 90° in 83.1 % before being operated, and above 90° in 80.3 % after surgery. Muscle strength was poor or regular in pre-surgical stage in 77.2 %, being excellent or good after surgery.

Conclusions: once Neer's technique was applied, the pain was mild or null in most of the universe, the shoulder function was good, the anterior flexion adequate, and the muscle strength good.


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How to Cite

Hernández-Valera D, Pancorbo-Sandoval EA, Delgado-Quiñones A, Echevarría-Borges Y, Quesada-Pérez JA, Díaz-Prieto G. Surgical treatment of the subacromial syndrome using Neer’s technique. Case study. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];43(6):1-12. Available from:



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