Panophthalmitis: atypical presentation of choroid melanoma



choroid melanoma, panophthalmitis, enucleation


Panophthalmitis is a rare and severe ocular form of presentation of choroid melanoma, therefore, in the presence of intraocular mass and inflammation of all intraocular structures, with extra-scleral extension and to the tissues neighboring the orbit, the differential diagnosis of this malignant neoplasia should be considered. The case presented deals with a male patient, aged 83 years, with diagnosis of panophthalmitis as atypical presentation of choroid melanoma. He assisted to the consultation of Ophthalmology Emergency with intense ocular pain in the right eye, accompanied by nausea and vomits. On examination, ocular hypertension was observed, that torpidly evolved during admission, with intraocular inflammation with extra-scleral extension. He had ocular ultrasound and computed axial tomography of orbits and was diagnosed with panophthalmitis secondary to choroid melanoma. The clinical findings of this atypical presentation form showed, whose definite treatment is enucleation. Histological diagnosis of necrotic choroid malignant melanoma was confirmed.


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How to Cite

Menéndez-Hernández YC, O’Relly-Noda D, Cutiño-Hernández K, Pérez-Gutiérrez Y, Ribot-Ruiz LA. Panophthalmitis: atypical presentation of choroid melanoma. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];44(1):1-11. Available from:



Presentation of cases