Role of the prosthodontist in the multidisciplinary team for the management of the patient with head and neck cancer
cancer of head and neck, diagnosis, treatment, multidisciplinary team, oral-maxillofacial prosthesisAbstract
The designation of carcinomas of head and neck or high aero-digestive tract, supposes a grouping of neoplasia that share common elements like etiology, epidemiology, histology, clinical evolution, diagnostic procedures, therapeutic approaches and follow-up measures. The aim of this paper is to identify the scientific evidence regarding the multidisciplinary treatment of the patient with cancer of head and neck and the role played by the prosthodontist. To this end a literature search was conducted in the electronic databases PubMed, Medline, Cochrane, Hinari and SciELO. It was found that the treatment of these malignant lesions requires a team consisting of different specialists, such as otolaryngologist, head and neck surgeon, maxillofacial surgeon, oncologic dentist, prosthodontist, psychiatrist and psychologist, nutritionist and rehabilitator, to optimize the treatment of these patients through a collective decision.
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