Non-odontogenic cyst of maxillaries: a review of the literature



oral medicine, maxilla-mandibular cysts, non-odontogenic cysts


Maxillary cysts are epithelial cysts of low, expansive growth that, despite having a benign behavior, are one of the main causes of the destruction of the maxillary bones. Among them, the non-odontogenic ones have a much lower incidence that those of odontogenic origin. A bibliographic review was carried out between March and May 2021, in MEDLINE, SciELO, PubMed, Elsevier and Scholar Google databases, under the terms that are in the Descriptors of Health Sciences for Spanish and English languages. The search provided 30 elements, 23 of which met the inclusion criteria of the research. However, hardly any studies were found in Cuba that describe the incidence of non-odontogenic cysts nor much updated literature on the topic worldwide. For that reason, this work aims to describe the etiologic evolution, epidemiology, semiology, diagnosis and treatment of the maxillary non-odontogenic cysts.


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How to Cite

Torrecilla-Venegas R, Castro-Gutiérrez I, Rosendiz-Pérez D. Non-odontogenic cyst of maxillaries: a review of the literature. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];44(4):e4688. Available from:



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