Learning non-technical skills in pre-hospital emergency services: medical students’ perspective
emergency medicine, medical students, simulation, social skills, qualitative researchAbstract
Introduction: to ensure quality of care in emergencies, medical training must include non-technical aspects such as communication, leadership, decision-making and team interaction.
Objective: to analyze the perception of medical students about learning non-technical skills, through simulations in pre-hospital emergency situations.
Materials and methods: qualitative study with 50 students enrolled in the medical course at the public university in Southern Minas Gerais, selected by convenience. For data collection, semi-structured interviews were used, and thematic analysis was used to analyze them.
Results: two themes were elaborated: “Simulation as an instrument for the construction of knowledge and personal development” and “Beyond the procedures, non-technical skills are basic for the practice of medicine in emergency”, with the sub-theme “Different people, different ways for the development of non-technical skills”.
Conclusion: simulation is perceived as a recourse which allows experiencing the role of a physician in the pre-hospital environment, in a way similar to real life, and promotes the need of developing non-technical skills. This process is not disconnected from self-knowledge.Its early insertion in medical graduation is recommended.
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