Causes of death in patients with colorectal cáncer in the five year period 2016-2020. Colon, Matanzas
mortality, colorectal cancer, causes of deathAbstract
Introduction: colorectal cancer is the third cause of death due to malignant cancer in Cuba. Its stage at the time of diagnosis is the most important predictor of survival, so when analyzing the causes of death it is possible to know the precocity in its detection.
Objective: to determine the main causes of death in patients who died of colorectal cancer.
Materials and methods: a retrospective descriptive study of the causes of death was carried out in 149 patients with colorectal cancer as the primary cause of death in the municipality of Colon, between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2020, recorded in the Death Registry of the Municipal Health Directorate. The independent variables used were: gender, age groups, age, direct cause of death, cause of sepsis.
Results: female sex predominated in patients who died due to colorectal cancer (53 %). Mortality increased after the age of 60 years (124 patients, for 83.2 %). The predominant direct cause of death was car4cinogenic toxemia (61.1 %), followed by sepsis (28.1 %) and pulmonary thromboembolism (3.4 %).
Conclusions: the causes of death of patients with colorectal cancer in the municipality of Colón in the five-year period 2016-2020 period were indicative of advanced stage neoplastic disease and late diagnosis.
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