Central catheter sepsis in the intensive care unit of the Esmeraldas hospital, Ecuador
sepsis, central venous catheter, prevalence, mortality, etiologic agentAbstract
Objective: to analyze central catheter sepsis in inpatients admitted of the emergency care unit of General Hospital Delfina Torres de Concha, in Esmeraldas.
Materials and methods: study with a quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive approach; the population was 435 patients admitted to the Intensive Care Service; the sample was chosen by non-probabilistic sampling for convenience, obtaining 22 patients who had a central venous catheter and complied with the inclusion criteria.
Results: the prevalence of sepsis due to central venous catheter was 5.06 % in 2018 and 2019 in the hospital Delfina Torres de Concha; female sex was the one with higher incidence, with 57.14 %: age range between 30 and 44 years presented more sepsis cases, representing 6.74 %. Patients over 60 years showed the higher mortality; 60 % of the patients who belonged to this age group and suffered central venous catheter sepsis, died. Acute myocardial failure was the condition which presented the higher number of cases in association with sepsis due to central venous catheter; mortality was 60 % in patients diagnosed of crania-encephalic trauma. The etiologic agent showing higher incidence was Klebsiella pneumoniae, 54,54 %, followed by Escherichia coli, 36 %.
Conclusions: the prevalence of catheter sepsis is low, and when it occurs in patient under 60 years there are greater chances of recovery; the health care staff working at intensive care unit has an average level of knowledge regarding care to patient with central venous catheter.
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