Scientific production on crania-encephalic trauma in Cuban student journals. January 2015-June 2021



crania-encephalic trauma, traumatic brain injuries, encephalic injuries, bibliometrics, bibliometric indicators, indicators of scientific production, medical bibliography, indicators of science, technology and innovation


Introduction: crania-encephalic traumas are a challenge for health services. Receiving training on their care since undergraduate studies is a necessity.
Objective: to characterize the scientific production on crania-encephalic trauma published in Cuban student journals between January 2015 and June 2021.
Materials and methods: a bibliometric, descriptive and retrospective study was carried out. The universe was constituted by 9 articles, of which typology, year of publication, quantity of authors, province and centers of origin, quantity of references; quantity of articles per journal and number of times cited were analyzed.
Results: 77.8% of the articles were originals, and 2020 was the most productive year (55.6%). 44% of the articles were signed by five authors; 32.4% of the authors belonged to the province of Pinar del Rio. The average number of references per articles was 19.9; the Price Index was found between 0.45and 0.85, with an average of 0.75. 55.6% of the publications appeared in the journal Universidad Médica Pinareña, the articles of which were also the most cited ones (85%).
Conclusions: the student scientific production on crania-encephalic trauma is low, and the influence and visibility of the available articles, taking into account the quantity of cites, is small.


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How to Cite

Garcés-Ginarte MJ, Pérez-Ortiz L, Vitón-Castillo AA. Scientific production on crania-encephalic trauma in Cuban student journals. January 2015-June 2021. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];45(1):e5030. Available from:



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