Educational intervention in nursing students on epigenetics and preconception prevention of chronic diseases



epigenetics, preconception prevention, chronic diseases, nursing


Introduction: the prevention of chronic non-preventable diseases of high-prevalence worldwide represents a health priority; in this sense, epigenetics brings a new perspective to their prevention.
Objective: to assess the effectiveness of an educative intervention carried out between April and July 2022 in students of the Nursing degree from Matanzas University of Medical Sciences, with the aim of increasing their level of knowledge on epigenetics and preconception prevention of chronic diseases.
Materials and methods: a three-stage intervention study was carried out, in a universe of 54 students of first and third years of the regular day-time course of the Nursing degree. A survey was used to measure their knowledge on epigenetics and preconception prevention of chronic diseases.
Results: the level of knowledge on epigenetics and preconception prevention of chronic diseases prior to intervention was qualified as bad.
Conclusion: after the implementation of the educative program, the knowledge on epigenetics and preconception prevention of chronic diseases increased in students of the Nursing degree, thus demonstrating its effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Leyva G, Hernández-Ugalde F, Martín-Pastrana L, González-Cristóbal K. Educational intervention in nursing students on epigenetics and preconception prevention of chronic diseases. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 9];45(1):e5039. Available from:



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