Overgrading strategy to develop the didactic competence of Maxillofacial Surgery professors
didactic competences, improving strategy, maxillofacial surgeryAbstract
Introduction: higher medical education requires its own didactics, which allows the construction of student learning. For this reason, teachers of the different medical specialties must acquire professional pedagogical competences, especially didactics.
Objective: to design an improvement strategy for the development of the didactic competence of the professors of the specialty of Maxillofacial Surgery.
Materials and methods: the study was classified as action-research, of a qualitative-quantitative type, and was carried out between January and September 2022. The authors worked with 15 professors from the specialty of Maxillofacial Surgery. The strategy was designed in four stages (diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation). Theoretical and empirical methods were used, especially the experiment. The statistical procedures used were McNemar's chi square, Wilcoxon's and Cronbach's alpha tests.
Results: the didactic competence of the teachers and the dimensions that comprise it (knowledge, skills, abilities and motivations) were evaluated, showing a significant increase from the statistical point of view, with a good reliability of the applied instruments.
Conclusions: the strategy makes it possible to determine the essential guidelines or relationships that enrich the theory of medical education sciences, from the postgraduate level, offering internal logical coherence to the processes that are applied in the strategy and enabling professors of the specialty of Surgery Maxillofacial manage to improve the didactic competence.
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