Introducing a learning hyperenvironment with histological content in Medicine undergraduate studies
learning hyperenvironment, teaching-learning process, histologyAbstract
Introduction: In the didactic of the subject Cell, Tissues, Integumentary System, the teaching-learning process is analyzed in relation to the teaching aids. In this context, the importance of backing the work with images that include first the observation, then the description and finally the interpretation is included.
Objective: To assess the introduction of a learning hyperenvironment in the teaching-learning process of the subject Cell, Tissues, Integumentary System, of the Medicine undergraduate course, in the University of Medical Sciences of Matanzas.
Materials and methods: The materialist-dialectic method of Marxist-Leninist philosophy was used as a main method. Among the theoretical methods used are documentary analysis, historical-logical, inductive-deductive, systemic-structural-functional and modeling. And among empirical: documentary review of normative documents of the teaching-learning process, surveys of students, surveys of professors, observation of classes and selection of experts. The population consisted of 10 professors of the subject and a sample of 290 students. The work carried out included two stages: diagnosis phase and evaluation of the results.
Results: The assessment of the students and professors on the indicators referred to the teaching-learning process are favorable, especially to the possibility of interacting with images and theoretical contents and to the rapid feedback of the evaluations.
Conclusions: Positive results were identified in the teaching-learning process of the subject, in relation to the development of cognitive skills. The indicator "sense of belonging to the group", with a value of 9.60, stood out with good results.
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