Nursing knowledge in severe traumatic brain injury and intracranial pressure monitoring
nursing knowledge, intracranial pressure, severe traumatic brain injuryAbstract
Introduction: Severe traumatic brain injury is an important cause of mortality and disability worldwide and the most common cause is blunt trauma; some consider it a “silent epidemic.” The monitoring of intracranial pressure, its adequate recording, and the correct interpretation of the values allow early diagnosis and treatment, without reaching intracranial hypertension.
Objective: To identify the level of nursing knowledge on severe traumatic brain injury and intracranial pressure monitoring.
Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional analytical study of technological development was carried out in the Intensive Care Unit of the Clinical Surgical University Hospital Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernandez, in the period from January 2022 to July 2023. The universe was made up of the 62 nurses to whom the inclusion criteria (the willingness to participate in the study) and exclusion criteria (temporary stay nurses) were applied. The data collection form and a questionnaire were used.
Results: The highest percentage of the nurses studied provided care at the bedside; among the years of experiences prevailed from 0-1 year and ages were 20-29 years. The application of the questionnaire explored the level of knowledge at the Low level. In the diagnosis stage, the need to strengthen nursing knowledge on the actions of patient with severe traumatic brain injury and intracranial pressure monitoring was confirmed.
Conclusions: It was diagnosed the need to strengthen knowledge to cope with care for patients with traumatic brain injury.
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