Web site to promote the oral health of the students and dentists at the teaching dental clinic “Cesar Escalante.”


  • Milagros Lozano González Clínica Estomatológica Docente "César Escalante”. Matanzas
  • Mercedes Alfonso Alfonso Clínica Estomatológica Docente “César Escalante”. Matanzas
  • Mercedes Boza Alfonso Hospital “Faustino Pérez”. Matanzas




The Cuban health system is being object of deep transformations in all of its spheres, Stomatology among them, showing the constant preoccupation for solving problems. In relation with oral health promotion among students and dentists, searching for knowledge to learn and planning its promotion is limited. These deficiencies are tightly linked to problems of knowledge solidness, and also of limited usage of strategies for promoting oral health, so it is necessary to work in favor of the oral health promotion. We carried out a transversal, descriptive study to evaluate the level of knowledge on Oral Health counseling at the Teaching Dental Clinic “Cesar Escalante” of Matanzas, in February 2008. The universe was formed by 15 general dentists and 15 technicians in dental care who worked at the service during the investigation. 15 students of the 5 th year were inquired and we evaluated different aspects related with the structure, the process and the results on the bases of criteria and indicators, using percentage as resuming measure. We detected a low level of professional competence and of knowledge on Education for the professional competence, and also a low level of knowledge on Health Education, and an inadequate performance. After analyzing the problems, the author designed a Web Site including new elements and ratifying those established in the program of Oral Health promotion. We recommend using the Web Site of theoretic-methodological material as a source of information and analysis for preparing students and dentists of the province.


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How to Cite

Lozano González M, Alfonso Alfonso M, Boza Alfonso M. Web site to promote the oral health of the students and dentists at the teaching dental clinic “Cesar Escalante.”. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2014 Mar. 6 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];30(6):713-20. Available from: https://revmedicaelectronica.sld.cu/index.php/rme/article/view/556



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