Reflections on the program of the subject Periodontics of the Stomatology degree
Periodontics, study programs, StomatologyAbstract
Introduction: The subject of Periodontics plays an important role in the curriculum of the Stomatology degree. Its approach addresses the process of periodontal health-sickness from a comprehensive perspective, which strengthens the formation of the basic general dentist.
Objective: To critically evaluate the program of the subject Periodontics of the Stomatology degree, Plan E, to contribute to its improvement.
Methods: The documental review of the main integrative discipline (General Stomatology) and the program of the subject Periodontics of the Plan E, of the Stomatology degree was used as an empirical level method.
Results: The insufficiencies of the program were identified, its improvement was proposed and recommendations were made for its future transformation, considering the exit profile of the graduated of the Stomatology degree.
Conclusion: The program of the subject adjusts in its objectives, content and evaluation, according to the model of the professional that is aspired to create, however, it is susceptible to be improved.
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