De Quervain's granulomatous thyroiditis. Diagnosis by cytology with thin needle


  • Ana María Castro Morillo Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Faustino Pérez Hernández. Matanzas, Cuba.
  • Ángela María Castañeda Muñoz Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Faustino Pérez Hernández. Matanzas, Cuba.
  • Ketty Madruga Vázquez Hospital Militar Docente Mario Muñoz Monroy. Matanzas, Cuba.
  • Diana Maité Hernández Fernández Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Faustino Pérez Hernández. Matanzas, Cuba.
  • Diana González Rodríguez Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Faustino Pérez Hernández. Matanzas, Cuba.
  • Ana Margarita Rufín Bergado Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Faustino Pérez Hernández. Matanzas, Cuba.


hyperthyroidism, De Quervain's thyroiditis, sub-acute thyroiditis, granulomatous thyroiditis, cytology, cytology by aspiration with thin needle.


De Quervain's thyroiditis, also called sub-acute thyroiditis or thyroiditis of giant cells, is frequently preceded by an infectious picture of the high respiratory tract. Its diagnosis is eminently clinical; but the usage of the cytology by aspiration of the thyroid with thin needle, confirm or denied the clinical conclusions according to the cytological characteristics. This technique was used in six patients with different clinical and ultrasound results, because of the necessity of arriving to a correct differential diagnosis with other forms of hyperthyroidism with worse evolvable diagnosis. The cytology by aspiration with thin needle in these cases showed to be an efficacious weapon for that, so we decided to prepare this presentation.


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How to Cite

Castro Morillo AM, Castañeda Muñoz Ángela M, Madruga Vázquez K, Hernández Fernández DM, González Rodríguez D, Rufín Bergado AM. De Quervain’s granulomatous thyroiditis. Diagnosis by cytology with thin needle. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2014 Apr. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];35(1):52-61. Available from:



Presentation of cases