Current state of professional improvement for the diagnosis of elderly people with gait disorders
professional improvement, gait disorders, elderlyAbstract
Introduction: Professional development is a set of processes that enables university graduates to acquire and continuously improve knowledge, basic and specialized skills. These processes have their particularities in each territory, as they are planned to respond to the problems identified at different levels. All of them respond to the objectives set by the National Health System to improve the quality of care for the population.
Objective: To describe the current state of professional improvement aimed at the specialist in Comprehensive General Medicine, for the early diagnosis of elderly people with gait disorders.
Methods: An exploratory descriptive study was carried out at the Teaching Policlinic 30 de noviembre, in Santiago de Cuba, from January 2020 to January 2022, with the aim of describing the state of professional improvement aimed at the specialist in Comprehensive General Medicine, for the early diagnosis of elderly people with gait disorders.
Results: There is insufficient knowledge of Comprehensive General Medicine specialists in relation to individual aging, practical skills for the application of the clinical-epidemiological method, the interpretation of complementary tests and tests to evaluate gait in the elderly. 100% of the specialists do not conduct research, participate in events, or publish on aging or gait disorders.
Conclusions: Research, knowledge about aging and skills to apply the clinical-epidemiological method in the early diagnosis of elderly with gait disorders are insufficient, which justifies the need to develop professional development strategies for improvement.
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