Culture of the medical profession: a look from the identity and the historical memory of Matanzas



historia; identidad; cultura profesional; educación médica superior; personalidades; Matanzas


This article is about History of higher medical education in Matanzas, written by a group of authors from the Matanzas University of Medical Sciences, to promote knowledge of the culture of the profession and identity as an essential part of historical memory. It is the first work that synthesizes unpublished and valuable information, from mimeographed, printed and digital manuscripts, which facilitate the periodization and systematization of the most important elements of the historical evolution of medical education in the province of Matanzas. The authors have been inspired by the most prominent personalities and institutions in the field thus recognizing the work of those with such a noble profession who teach people that care and save lives. The work can be used in teaching at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, since its content significantly affects the comprehensive cultural training of the student, history and local development, contributing to the formation of values and the preservation of historical memory. It would be of interest and usefulness for all specialists and professionals involved in the formation of human capital in Health in the province of Matanzas, as well as other specialists and professionals in Cuba and abroad, who develop Teaching/Research/Extension in the field of Pedagogy and Education, with an emphasis on Higher Medical Education, as well as scholars of local history.


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Author Biographies

María Elena del-Huerto-Marimón, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas. Matanzas

Metodóloga de posgrado

Jorge Domingo Ortega-Suárez, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas. Matanzas

Comisión de grado científico

Layvis Rodríguez-González, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas. Matanzas

Jefa del Departamento Docente. Cárdenas.


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How to Cite

del-Huerto-Marimón ME, Ortega-Suárez JD, Rodríguez-González L. Culture of the medical profession: a look from the identity and the historical memory of Matanzas. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2025 Feb. 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];47:e6246. Available from:



Opinion article