Morbidity in stomatologic emergencies. Teaching Stomatologic Clinic 27 de Noviembre. Municipio Colon. 2007-2008


  • Doris del Rosario Soto Caballero Clínica Docente Estomatológica 27 de Noviembre. Colón
  • Eddy Troya Borges Hospital Territorial Docente Dr. Mario Muñoz. Colón. Matanzas
  • Ernesto Padilla Suárez Dirección Municipal de Salud. Colón. Matanzas
  • Sadys Lázara Rodríguez Ramos Clínica Docente Estomatológica 27 de Noviembre. Colón. Matanzas


oral medicine, emergency medical services, mouth diseases, morbidity, oral hygiene


Introduction: Patients with signs and symptoms related with some entities identified as stomatologic emergencies attend the consultations of the integral and emergency service of general dentistry of the Teaching Stomatologic Clinic 27 de Noviembre of Colon. Due to the incidence of these diseases, we decided to make a descriptive retrospective study, to provide the necessary knowledge on the incidence of this disease in general, and reaching that way a better care and quality of the services given in the institution. Objective: Determining morbidity for stomatologic emergencies in patients attended at the mentioned clinic in the period 2007-2008. Methods: The sample was formed by 7 549 patients attended with the criteria of stomatologic emergencies. Results: Pain is probably the main motive of consultation. The most frequent emergencies were pulpar and periapical processes. Conclusions: Patients of the female genre, 35-59 years-old age group, occupational category workers, and high educational level were the ones who more frequently attended consultations for stomatologic emergencies.


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How to Cite

Soto Caballero D del R, Troya Borges E, Padilla Suárez E, Rodríguez Ramos SL. Morbidity in stomatologic emergencies. Teaching Stomatologic Clinic 27 de Noviembre. Municipio Colon. 2007-2008. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2014 Mar. 27 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];33(1):60-7. Available from:



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