Recurrent high respiratory infections in children aged less than 5 years old. Jaguey Grande-2008-2009


  • Elsa Prieto Gómez Policlínico 7 de Diciembre. Jagüey Grande. Matanzas
  • Estela del Rosario Robaina Rivero Sede Universitaria Dr. José F. Vera Suárez. Jagüey Grande. Matanzas
  • Gonzalo Antonio González González Policlínico 7 de Diciembre. Jagüey Grande. Matanzas
  • Erasmo Soto García Centro Municipal de Higiene y Epidemiología. Jagüey Grande. Matanzas
  • Domingo Fleitas Echeverría Sede Universitaria Dr. José F. Vera Suárez. Jagüey Grande. Matanzas
  • Milaydis García Marín Policlínico 7 de Diciembre. Jagüey Grande. Matanzas


recurrent high respiratory infections, morbidity, risk factors


The high respiratory infections are an important cause of morbidity in children aged less than 5 years old. For its magnitude among the infantile population, we carried out an analytical retrospective study of cases and controls, to determine the risk facts in the recurrent high respiratory infections in children less than 5 years old of the Teaching Policlinic 7 de Diciembre, Jaguey Grande, Matanzas, from May 2008 to May 2009. The universe were the 352 children with high respiratory infections who assisted the allergy consultation; the sample was formed by 85 children for each group. We took into account the variables socio-demographic and environmental factors. We determined that the main risk factors are the atopy, the exposition to the tobacco smoke, the lack of breastfeeding, the wrong ablactation, the low maternal scholarship, living in rural areas, the deficient hygienic-sanitary conditions like animals presence, old houses, bad ventilation and climatologic factors as cold, temperature and humidity changes.


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How to Cite

Prieto Gómez E, Robaina Rivero E del R, González González GA, Soto García E, Fleitas Echeverría D, García Marín M.   Recurrent high respiratory infections in children aged less than 5 years old. Jaguey Grande-2008-2009. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2014 Mar. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];33(4):401-7. Available from:



Research article