Evolution and results of the glaucoma caused by primary angular closing


  • Ibet Alemán Suárez Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Comandante Faustino Pérez. Matanzas
  • Yaima Armengol Oramas Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Comandante Faustino Pérez. Matanzas
  • Vivian Suárez Herrera Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Comandante Faustino Pérez. Matanzas
  • Antonio Morejón Sanz Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Comandante Faustino Pérez. Matanzas


glaucoma by primary angular closing, intraocular pressure, visual acuity, sequels


Objective: Evaluating the evolution and final results of the patients with glaucoma by primary angular closing.
Methods: We made an observational, descriptive, prospective study in 21 patients diagnosed with glaucoma by primary angular closing who assisted the Service of Ophthalmology of the Clinical Surgical Teaching Hospital Comandante Faustino Pérez, of Matanzas, in the period from November 2008 to January 2010, with a minimal follow-up of 3 months. We analyzed the clinical-epidemiologic variables, the ophthalmologic examination and the time the treatment began. The collected data were processed in Microsoft Excel.
Results: The predominant age group was the 60-69 years-old one. There was a control of the ocular pressure in 85,7 % of the patients, and the 76,2 % had good visual acuity, in correspondence with a precocious beginning of the medical-surgical treatment. There were invaliding sequels in a low percent of the cases, corresponding to those patients who began the medical-surgery treatment after 48 hours.
Conclusions: The on-time diagnosis and immediate treatment of the disease leads to the adequate control of the intraocular pressure and, in many cases, avoids an irreversible visual lost.


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How to Cite

Alemán Suárez I, Armengol Oramas Y, Suárez Herrera V, Morejón Sanz A. Evolution and results of the glaucoma caused by primary angular closing. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2014 Mar. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];33(4):408-15. Available from: https://revmedicaelectronica.sld.cu/index.php/rme/article/view/835



Research article