Knowledge on VIH/sida in women of fertile age. First trimester of 2009 Caracas. Venezuela


  • Yamila López Florián Centro Diagnóstico Integral Celia Sánchez Manduley. Caracas. Venezuela.
  • Sabino Alexis González López Centro Diagnóstico Integral Celia Sánchez Manduley. Caracas. Venezuela.


AIDS, knowledge, women, fertile age.


A descriptive, and cross-sectional investigation was realised to determine the level of knowledge on VIH/sida in the women of fertile age of the Liberating municipality, Metropolitan District of Caracas (DMC), during the first trimester of 2009. A survey validated by the OPS was applied, to explore sociodemographic aspects and knowledge on VIH/sida. The universe was conformed by the 102175 women in fertile age (15-49 years) of the municipality, from which the size of sample with a trustworthiness 95 % calculated and 5 % of error for the worse acceptable result, being 628. Within the survey women although a great number of these women considers to have knowledge on VIH/sida, some deficient subjects, the knowledge are verified on causal agent of AIDS, general characteristics of the infection by VIH/sida, the channels, identification of measures of prevention of the VIH/sida true and effective. The knowledge on VIH/sida was inadequate in the studied group.


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How to Cite

López Florián Y, González López SA. Knowledge on VIH/sida in women of fertile age. First trimester of 2009 Caracas. Venezuela. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2011 May 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];33(3):302-9. Available from:



Research article