COVID-19: a challenge for Nursing students in the on-the-job training
caregivers, students, on-the-job training, prevention, COVID-19, selfcareAbstract
Introduction: students and nurses are exposed to contagion by COVID-19 during the Nursing teaching practices of on-the-job training carried out in hospitals. Therefore, it is necessary train these staff to carry out their work successfully in the middle of a difficult scenario.
Objective: to evaluate COVID-19 facing by students and nursing staff in the practices of on-the-job training.
Materials and methods: an intervention and development research was conducted in the Neurosurgery Service of the University Hospital Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández, of Matanzas, between September and October 2020, period of COVID-19 resurgence. For that we worked with a universe of 12 patients, 12 caregivers and 6 5th-year students of Nursing degree. The study was divided into three stages: diagnosis, training and evaluation. The interview was used.
Results: the 40-49 age group predominated among patients, with 41.66 % of the male gender. Among caregivers, female gender predominated and 50-59 age group. The training was effective at 58.33 %.
Conclusions: prevention and self-care were positive strategic answers as forms of action in students and the rest of the staff involved in the research. The educational aid work minimized the epidemiological risk in patients and caregivers, and achieved an increase in risk perception of contracting the disease.Downloads
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