The specialty of Dental Prosthesis in Sancti Spíritus: notes for its history


  • Esther María Rodríguez-Pimienta Clínica Estomatológica Docente Provincial Dr. Justo Ortelio Pestana Lorenzo. Sancti Spíritus
  • Mayra Virginia González-Olazábal Clínica Estomatológica Docente Provincial Dr. Justo Ortelio Pestana Lorenzo. Sancti Spíritus
  • Ileana María Yero-Mier Clínica Estomatológica Docente Provincial Dr. Justo Ortelio Pestana Lorenzo. Sancti Spíritus
  • Gisela Medinilla-Izquierdo Clínica Estomatológica Docente Provincial Dr. Justo Ortelio Pestana Lorenzo. Sancti Spíritus
  • Roque Fermín Fernández-Corral Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Sancti Spíritus. Sancti Spíritus


historical development, dental prosthesis, teaching, stomatognathic system


Dental prosthesis is the branch of Stomatology that is responsible for the study of the main principles of the rehabilitation of patients with dental absences, as well as for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of alterations of the stomatognathic system. Qualitative research was carried out using theoretical methods—historical-logical, analytic-synthetic and empirical—, documental review, interviews with managing, academic and health care staff, residents and graduated. For its better understanding, the historical development was divided into three stages. The first stage describes the creation of health facilities, the beginning of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, and also the creation of the provincial group and chapter of Dental Prosthesis of Sancti Spiritus, necessary to stimulate the scientific-technical development of the specialty. The second approaches the increase of services and the incorporation of new technologies for the comprehensive treatment of the specialists; and the third one the consolidation of the process of undergraduate and postgraduate training, which safeguards the care of patients with needs of rehabilitation treatments in the province. The specialty of Dental Prosthesis in the province has had an upward development in the province of Sancti Spiritus, and has a teaching staff strengthened for imparting undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. On the other hand, a steady training of the human resources has been kept, in correspondence with the needs of care of the population, and showing scientific-technical results that support the current work of the specialty.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Pimienta EM, González-Olazábal MV, Yero-Mier IM, Medinilla-Izquierdo G, Fernández-Corral RF. The specialty of Dental Prosthesis in Sancti Spíritus: notes for its history. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2022 May 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];44(3):1-15. Available from:




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