Communication and information technologies in the post-graduate teaching-learning process


  • Iliana Robainas Fiallo Universidad Médica de Matanzas "Dr. Juan Guiteras Gener". Matanzas
  • Nieves Garriga Alfonso Universidad Médica de Matanzas "Dr. Juan Guiteras Gener". Matanzas
  • Beatriz Milagros Herrera Piñeiro Universidad Médica de Matanzas "Dr. Juan Guiteras Gener". Matanzas
  • Dayren Fernández Santamaría Universidad Médica de Matanzas "Dr. Juan Guiteras Gener". Matanzas
  • José M Rodríguez Tápanes Universidad Médica de Matanzas "Dr. Juan Guiteras Gener". Matanzas
  • Rolando E Medina Robainas Policlínico Docente "Samuel Fernández". Playa. Matanzas




The essential objective of High Education in Cuba is to guarantee professionals with a solid theorico-practical formation that might answer in a creative way to the essential problems related with their profession, being an unavoidable necessity that learning process develops in a productive way. Nowadays, Cuban Ministry of Education has find in digitalization an alternative to the dilemma of offering to students and teachers an easy, fast and secure access to the collection of documents forming their bibliography. The question of how to use the communication and information technologies in the teaching-learning process is much debated currently and, for many persons, the way they might be used in the teaching process may change the current paradigms, because their versatility and flexibility open unlimited perspectives in education. In a study of such nature, it is necessary to integrate pedagogical and technological aspects from the beginning of the learning design, not in a sequential or independent way, to reach the harmony of form and mean, looking for the highest efficacy in the teaching process.


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How to Cite

Robainas Fiallo I, Garriga Alfonso N, Herrera Piñeiro BM, Fernández Santamaría D, Rodríguez Tápanes JM, Medina Robainas RE. Communication and information technologies in the post-graduate teaching-learning process. Rev Méd Electrón [Internet]. 2014 Mar. 10 [cited 2025 Feb. 2];31(3):282-7. Available from:



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